• $30.00

Untuk pengkiraan fidyah, hubungi kami di 6344 3669 9737 2865.

What is Fidyah?

Fidyah is a ruling on the repayment (qadha') of missed fast in Ramadhan which falls under 3 categories:

1. Compulsory Repayment (Wajib Qadha')

Due to

  • illness that may worsen or healing process delayed if he/she fasts.
  • travelling approximately 90km or more (musafir).
  • pregnancy or breastfeeding and are worried of their own well-being.
  • mensuration or nifas.
  • severe hunger or thirst that may harm themselves. 
  • the invalidation of their fast. 

2. Compulsory Fidyah Payment but No Need to Repay the Fast (Wajib Fidyah)

Due to

  • the state of critical illness - unable to fast and chances of healing are very slim. 
  • severe weaknes but unable to fast due to old age. 

3. Compulsory Repayment and Fidyah (Wajib Qadha' & Fidyah)

Due to 

  • pregnancy or breastfeeding and worried of the child's well-being.
  • missing the fast repayment of their previous year's Ramadhan.